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Hi! I’m Camilla,

Cert. Life Coach. Bestselling Author. Podcast Host. 3x Boys’ Mom.

Over the years, I’ve lived across languages, countries, and versions of myself.

I’ve rebuilt my life in different environments many times, all while trying to stay true to who I am.

And while I was grateful for the adventures, there were seasons I felt unsteady and isolated.
Like I was always moving — but never quite arriving.

Sound familiar?

What I came to realize is this:

What we’re really searching for isn’t out there.
It’s the quiet unfolding of something sacred within…

bestselling author camilla quintana

Helping women come home to who they are — and find peace in where they’re going.

What I do now

I help globally-minded women — like you — find clarity and rootedness after transition or transformation.

Whether you’ve lived abroad, left behind an old identity, or feel life pulling you in a direction your soul doesn’t want to go…

I’m here to walk with you. Back to yourself. Back to what matters.

As your coach, I’ll gently remind you of what’s always been true:
You are beautiful, purposeful, and powerful by design.

You were “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14),
Your life truly matters, and you’re meant to live it accordingly.

How we work together

I’m not here to fix you — I’m here to walk with you.

Because you’re not broken… just growing. Maybe a little weary. Maybe ready for more.

My coaching style is thoughtful, faith-informed, emotionally intelligent, and gently powerful.

Together, let’s explore:

• Who you are beneath the noise and what truly matters to you
• How to stay rooted when the world pulls at your edges
• How to live with purpose, peace, and presence, all at once