How often do you openly talk about your sex life?

Well, today, we’re addressing it all!

My guest, Irene Fehr, is a Sex & Intimacy Coach who’ll tell us about:

  • how and why sexual activity changes in a long-term relationship
  • the difference between men’s and women’s sex drives
  • what to do if you want to make sex more spontaneous and exciting
  • the ‘marriage death spiral’
  • the 5 key nutrients that will increase your sexual desire


About Irene

Irene Fehr, MA, CPCC, Certified Sex & Intimacy Coach, helps couples make love and sex work in long-term relationships and bring sex and passion into sexless ones.

Determined to dispel myths about why sex dies in long-term monogamous relationships that cause heartache and broken dreams, Irene’s views have been featured all around the world in HuffPost, Cosmopolitan, Shape, Refinery29, ScaryMommy, EliteDaily and Bustle.

She is no stranger to her clients’ issues, having recovered from the all-too-common story of ‘happy marriage turned sexless’ when she lost her libido — all before turning 30.


Follow Irene


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Watch video: How to Make Love & Sex Work in a Long-term Relationship