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Expat Fatigue Part 1:
Raising Your Vibration

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January seems to be the typical month in which many of us battle with “Expat Fatigue”.

You know the feeling: it’s when you’ve lived in a place for a considerable time, the novelty has worn off and you just feel like you’re in a rut, you might feel bored, without perspective, maybe even depressed

As I was outlining this episode, I realized I had to split this into different parts. 

Because one thing I learnt during lockdown is that when you’re in a low state of mind, it’s difficult to jump right to the solution and leave all your troubles behind. 

There are simply too many steps in between where your head and your feelings are right now and where you want to be. So this would require tremendous effort, which you probably don’t have the strength for right now if you’re battling with expat fatigue and all those unpleasant feelings. 

That’s why in this first episode I’m gonna focus on positively changing your state of mind, improving your mood, raising your vibration.

I’m also gonna take you through a powerful energy cleansing technique, specifically designed to release blocks in your subconsciousness that negatively contribute to expat fatigue.


What does “raising your vibration” mean?

Everything in this world is made up of energy. Therefore everything has an energetic frequency, including our thoughts and feelings.

In this episode I refer to the work of Dr. David Hawkins who used muscle testings to associate an energetic frequency to our feelings.

Look at the chart below: can you identify on what energetic frequency you are calibrating most of the time?

Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness

Image Credits:

We all have an emotional home and so-called go-to-emotions that we’re wired to experience frequently.

When you’ve found yours, ask yourself how you can rise up one level? And today’s episode will help you achieve just that!


You’ll learn:

  • Why it’s important to improve your state of mind before tackling expat fatigue (and other adversities)
  • How self-compassion is crucial in raising your vibration
  • How your posture affects your emotional wellbeing
  • The one thing that helps me calibrate on a high frequency
  • What healthy habits you should adopt
  • Bonus: Subconscious Release Technique – a powerful energy cleansing exercise, which I’ve specifically designed for Expat Fatigue


Stay tuned for next week…

…where I’ll share some ‘quick fixes’ with you for snapping out of Expat Fatigue; but most importantly tell you what’s at the root of this unpleasant feeling and how you can overcome it once and for all.

(Episode 14 – Expat Fatigue, Part 2 will be released on Thursday 14 January)


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