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Valentine’s day is just a couple of weeks away and so I thought it’s a good time to share some relationship-related content!

As a certified Relationship Coach, relationships are a topic of great interest to me. They make up a huge part of our lives and can affect all other areas of life as well.

A large portion of my clients come to me because of a relationship problem. Over time, and with the help of my incredible teachers and the experience I gained coaching, I’ve developed my own approach.

I believe all relationships can be improved – it’s never too late or too hopeless. But the answer is not by compromising and meeting half way, like we are often led to believe. Because that requires both parties to change who they are for the other, to settle for less even…

Rather, by being open to look at the relationship from a different perspective, by growing very conscious and intentionally doing things that actually work.

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6 tips to improve your relationship

Listen to the episode and implement these practical tools right away to create the shifts in your relationship that you desire.

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