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What To Do In Your Lowest Moments Abroad


We’ve all been there right? Those moments of utter frustration and weariness.

They may be related to culture clash, to paperwork and administrative hassles, or to an incidence in your personal or professional life… 


The bottomline is: going through turbulences abroad often makes dealing with them a little harder – because we’re already outside our comfort zone or at disadvantage (due to being a foreigner.)

And that can make us feel very alone and powerless.


In this episode, I share several, original and unique ideas for how you can blow off steam in a healthy waywhile still honouring the very sucky circumstances that led you to that point of utter frustration!

Because you can’t expect yourself to just “snap out of it” in the blink of an eye. Most likely, the thing that’s coming up like an explosion for you in those low moments, is something that’s been bothering you for a while.


And so neither distractions nor false positivity can be the remedy.


My approach is to accept – release – and transform.

And I do that in a very practical and doable way.

Listen to the full episode to find out about 

  • the recent meltdown in my life that inspired this episode


  • 7 things you can do to accept – release – and consequently transform your frustration!
  • the details of my new offer “Make 2022 Your Year” – a transformational, 1:1 Goal-Getting Coaching Program


    3 people have already signed up and availability is limited so give yourself the gift of going after your dreams (writing a book? getting that diploma? starting a business? being awarded “world’s best mom” by your kids? ……………).

    Because your dreams, my dear, really matter! 🙂

    For more information and to sign up for this exclusive offer, go to 

make 2022 your year