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Important Announcement:


The Empowered Expat Woman Podcast will be released fortnightly from now on, every other Thursday.

This allows me to ensure to meet the mission of this podcast, which is: to offer new and original solutions to “old problems”.

And to take more time to enjoy creating, recording, editing, and promoting it – while continuing to show up 100% for my clients and my three boys (above all 🙂 )

It wasn’t an easy decision and one my Inner Saboteur wanted to keep me from taking, which is perfectly in line with today’s episode:


Do you have a vocal Inner Critic?


Many women think they do – but when taking a closer look, you may find out that’s not entirely true…

In this episode, I walk you through the unique process I use with my clients to effectively detect and deal with those “inner voices” in your mind, so that they don’t sabotage you in showing up as your best self and doing your best work!


Want to dig deeper?


If you’d like to receive 1:1 support in detecting your deeply engrained patterns and taking charge of them (so that they don’t take charge over you!), book a complimentary consultation at


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