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You know what the most valuable lesson I’ve learned in my life is?

That it’s a constant dance between seeing the glass half full or seeing it half empty.Though it doesn’t always feel like it, we have a choice in which perspective we want to adopt in life and with regards to our challenges.

When Disempowering Thoughts Start Creeping In….

I, for instance, had noticed some Expat Fatigue creeping in over the past few weeks… you know that “same-old-same-boring-old” feeling, right?

I’ll admit: I’m someone who gets bored easily and I need a lot of variety in my life. So the daily rut quickly starts weighing me down.

But as all feelings: my Expat Fatigue can be traced back to a THOUGHT. Numerous thoughts, actually. Negative thoughts disguised as “facts’, sneaking their way into my mind.

Such as:

“My host city is so small and unexciting” – “Every day is kind of the same…. that’s boring” – or, the all-time runner: “I just don’t have any time for myself – *sigh*!

And on top of it, all of these thoughts were reinforced by friends and family who “agreed with me” on them. (The perfect ingredient for creating blind spots!)

But let me tell you an astonishing little detail:

Our thoughts and the stories we tell ourselves are not actually a fact. They’re a choice. A habit. A pattern. The result of the perspective we adopted.

And whenever we choose thoughts that don’t actually benefit us, we give our power away….


So I’m curious:

⁉️What are some “totally legit” thoughts you continuously think without questioning them, that actually keep you stuck in the rut?

⁉️And what would happen if you challenged that notion, looked at it from a different angle or changed the lens through with you looked at the situation?

Time To Take Your Power Back!

Here are two things you can do right away, that will help you achieve that:


  1. Listen to this podcast episode, in which I talk about- what it means to stand in your full power and why that is so important

    – why we sometimes ‘choose to’ dwell in sadness or retreat (and why sometimes that’s okay)

    – what we can do to get into a more empowering state of mind

  2. Sign up for my upcoming free workshop “Reclaim Your Inner Power” taking place on May 24.
Expat Workshop

In this interactive online Workshop I’ll show you how to get out of the rut, create energy & momentum and make the most of your life abroad! 

Book your free seat now!

Can’t wait to see you there 🙂