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I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my book, “The Empowered Expat Woman – Your A-Z Guide to Thriving Wherever You Are”!

This has been an amazing journey: from coming up with ideas for the book, to the hard work of writing, revising, and editing it. Holding the finished book in my hands was a moment of pure joy, amplified by the positive feedback I’ve been getting.

And guess what? The book has even become a bestseller on Amazon!

In this episode, I’d love for you to explore what “The Empowered Expat Woman” is all about. You’ll find out what’s inside and how it can really change your life. I’ll also share some behind-the-scenes stories about how the book came to be, giving you a glimpse into the journey from start to finish.

Plus, I’ll read some parts of the book that are related to my experience writing it. I hope these bits will not only inspire you, but also motivate you to bring your own heart project to life!



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A sneak peek into the book launch event