5 powerful tools to make your new-year’s resolutions a reality!

As 2018 is coming to an end, you’re probably starting to think about your New Year’s Resolutions. Do certain goals pop up on your list year after year, but you just can’t seem to break the old habits? You might be missing one key ingredient on your way towards reaching your goals: adopting the right mindset and attitude.

In this post I’ll give you 5 powerful tools to go after your New Year’s Resolutions with PURPOSE, INTENTION and a POSITIVE ENERGY that will attract and align you with the positive outcomes you aspire – so that you may turn your unfulfilled dreams into reality!

“Our intention creates our reality” (Dr. Wayne Dyer)

We all have our share of bad habits and areas in our lives that we might label “under construction”. Maybe your relationship is rocky, your job’s a drag or you’re trying to drop some pounds? 

When you continuously fail to improve the situation, you might conclude that you’ve simply chosen to pursue an impossible goal: your significant other is just too complicated, your incapable boss has given you all the wrong tasks at work and your metabolism is too slow.

So as a consequence, you might change your goals, or your partner, or your job, or your clothes. Some changes might be for the better, others for the worse, but let me ask you: whenever you’ve made such a change in the past, did you eventually end up experiencing the same or similar frustrations?

And in that case, what if the goal you’d chosen wasn’t the problem at all? What if it wasn’t so much about the faults, imperfections and distractions you’ve encountered outside, but rather about the attitude you’ve adopted on the inside? You see, we have little to no control over the first, but full control over the latter…

“Do everything in love” (Corinthians) 

Let me ask you something, just hypothetically: What do you think would happen if you did everything as if you were in love with it? 

Upon waking up, you’d give your partner a heartfelt kiss, made them coffee and handed it to them with a smile… then wishing them a good day and telling them how you can’t wait to see them again in the evening.

At work, you’d reflect on your strengths and about how you could best incorporate them in your daily tasks. Maybe you’d ask for help, maybe you’d offer help, and you’d look for new ways to make a contribution.

Trying to lose weight wouldn’t lead to such overwhelm as you focused more on treating your body with love, giving it nourishing, healthy foods instead of depriving and punishing it.

Now, as I said these were just hypothetical wonderings… But if only a part of you agreed, that a shift in your own attitude would most probably lead to a shift in your partner’s attitude, would make you find new joy and possibilities at work and help you to live life according to your priorities and values… then you’ve just opened a door to infinite new possibilities!

“So often, we wait for things to change and are unaware of the power we have to change them ourselves” 

With the 5 power tools I’m about to present to you, you’ll be able to change the mindset with which you pursue your goals – so that your next New Year’s Resolutions may materialize once and for all!

POWER TOOL 1: Determine your “why”

Sometimes we fail to achieve a goal simply because it’s not important enough for us. It may be something we think we should do or something that others expect us to do, but deep down it’s not our real desire. Go through your list of New Year’s Resolutions and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why do I want to achieve this? What’s my motivation behind it? Am I really willing to do what it takes to get this?
  2. How will achieving this make me feel? Feelings are our most powerful motivating forces. My mentor and teacher Tony Robbins goes as far as to say that all human behavior stems from either wanting to feel pleasure or avoid pain. Once you become clear on the emotions you’re hoping to have when reaching your goal, they’ll drive you towards experiencing them.

POWER TOOL 2: Create a purpose statement 

Combine the answers of the two questions above and create a purpose statement for each goal:
“I want to achieve (enter: goal) because (enter: why) and in order to feel (enter: desired emotions).”

Whenever you’re about to go astray, remind yourself of your purpose statement. (That is, before making a nasty remark to your loved one, complaining to your co-workers about your job or taking a bite off that blueberry muffin 😉 ) Declare out loud: I want to… (purpose statement) and see if you’re still willing to jeopardize it.

POWER TOOL 3: Fake it until you make it

This statement may sound corny but there’s a lot of wisdom in it! By acting as if we had already reached a goal, we’re very likely to pave the way for it to happen and to attract that very thing into our lives.

Pick role models and emulate them: the happy and devoted wife/husband, the motivated employee or skilled leader, the person with a healthy lifestyle, the go-getter that gets things done… How do they behave? How do they think, speak, act and carry themselves? Watch and learn – you’ll receive valuable clues that will bring you much closer to your goals!

POWER TOOL 4: Change your gots to gets

I learnt this from Jim Kwik: whenever you’re about to say something like “I got to go to work”, “I got to fix some dinner for ______” or “I got to watch what I eat”… change the word got to get!
Yes, you get to go to work (hurray, you have a job!), you get to share a meal with your significant other, and you also get to buy and eat what best fuels your body! When you find that breaking your old habits gets tough, this little trick will immediately shift your mindset and get you into a more constructive, productive and effective state of mind.

POWER TOOL 5: Tune into Lover Mode 

Remember that winner’s mindset I introduced in a previous post? Whenever you feel stuck or lost on the way towards reaching your goals, ask yourself the paradigm shifting questions: How else can I look at this? What can I do to make it better? What would be the best possible outcome? What would Love do?

This will immediately change your perspective and help you find new ways for achieving your goals, even more so if other people are involved.

“The way you do anything is the way you do everything”

… the saying goes. So give “doing things in love” a shot!

I know this is easier said than done and that you might feel resistance to this concept. After all, you might have already done and tried so many things and feel that the other person or situation doesn’t deserve any more of your efforts. But remember: You’re NOT doing this for someone or something else. You’re doing this first and foremost for yourself, so that you may have a happier and better life, reach the goals you set for yourself and continue to grow!

I can’t wait to hear what happens when you do…. Drop me a comment below and let me know 🙂